NHACC Legislative Update

At NHACC, we work to make sure your voice is heard in Concord. We have a board legislative committee to review bills and make recommendations on upcoming legislation. We coordinate with partners working on similar issues. We testify in the legislature to ensure conservation commissions are represented. We are tracking several proposed bills that would affect water and wildlife. View the Legislative Update here.

Learn about NHACC

The New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions (NHACC) is the only non-profit, member organization in the state, dedicated to providing support, education, and advocacy for New Hampshire’s conservation commissions. More than 1,500 volunteers serve on the state's 217 conservation commissions. They are tasked with conducting natural resources inventories, coordinating land protection, wetland permit review, and recommending local ordinances. For more than 50 years, NHACC has supported the work of conservation commissions so they can be effective protecting their municipalities natural resources.  

Our Mission:

To foster conservation and appropriate use of New Hampshire's natural resources by providing assistance to conservation commissions, facilitating communication and cooperation among commissions, and helping to create a climate in which commissions can be successful.

Learn More

Establishing a CC

What is a Conservation Commission?

A commission is a group of volunteers working to protect the natural resources in your community. A municipal conservation commission may advise the planning board and other local bodies on conservation matters. It may act more directly to protect natural resources by acquiring conservation land or conservation easements to ensure protection of significant natural areas.

The conservation commission's powers and duties can be found in RSA 36-A. Municipalities may vote to establish a conservation commission  “for the proper utilization and protection of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of…the town.”

Get Started

Member Resource Library

Organizational Resources

Organizational Resources

Learn more about best practices and procedures for conservation commissions.


NRI and Conservation Plans

Find out how to develop a natural resource inventory and how to use this information to build a conservation plan.

Legislation and The Law

Legislation and the law

Learn more about conservation commission enabling legislation and find relevant RSAs.

Local Regulation

Local Regulation

Find out how commissions can get involved in drafting local ordinances and zoning regulations.

Land Regulation

Land Conservation

Explore your options for protecting land in your community.

Land Management

Stewardship and Land Management

Learn how your commission can enhance wildlife habitat and protect biodiversity on town conservation land.

Education and Outreach

Outreach and Education

Discover opportunities help to educate citizens about environmental issues and better communicate with other boards and the public.

Water Resources

Protecting Water Resources

Learn how your commission can protect water quality and conserve wetlands.

View More Resources

Support Our Work

The New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions is the only organization specifically serving the needs of our local conservation commissions. We are here to help conservation commissions be effective and successful and we need your help.  NHACC is a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to support the work of NH's conservation commissions. We are funded by member conservation commissions, sponsor members, grants and your contributions. We receive no dedicated federal or state funding for our programs.

Your contribution is important to support the work of a statewide network of conservation volunteers.


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